John Hancock: Buy-Sell Plans and the Changing Landscape
In the realm of business planning there are several paths that business owners may take to achieve their succession and estate planning goals. It is essential to tailor the right buy-sell plan and fund it, but it can be just as important to follow the formalities of the plan established. This was demonstrated by the recent Connelly case, which was discussed in June’s Central Intelligence and is explored more deeply in our latest “Entity-redemption buy-sell planning after Connelly v. U.S.” blog accessible below.
NEW! Let John Hancock be your guide to navigate the business planning market with our JH Solutions buy-sell modules. Find these useful concepts in JH Illustrator:
For foundational information on buy-sell solutions, check out these resources:
Buy-sell Arrangements (for client use)
Because you asked: Business Valuation (for client use)
Business Valuation Microsite